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'Tis but a scratch

Ruby Tuesday

Harry lovin' on Ruby.

Harry lovin’ on Ruby.

I’m starting to think Harry the cat knows something is up.  He’s been loving on Ruby a lot this past week.  Normally, he’s pretty wary of her so this is something new.  Ruby typically goes to sleep in her bed right next to my bed, but sneaks up sometime in the middle of the night. It’s a high bed, but luckily there is a small couch at the end of it that makes a perfect step up. I used to get annoyed, but now I’m just happy to have her near me. Recently, she’s needs a hand to get up, and somehow I always seem to wake up in time to give her a boost.

Harry does what he wants (he’s a cat, remember) so he climbs into and out of bed whenever he feels like it.  Before Ruby’s amputation, I’d wake up most mornings with Harry on one side of me and Ruby on the other. They’d sleep in the same bed, but never touch. The other morning I woke up to Harry giving Ruby some hugs (cat headbutts). Ruby mostly seemed confused, but didn’t object to it.  Then Harry basically sat on her head:

"Umm... there appears to be a cat on my head. Care to do anything about this?"

“Umm… there appears to be a cat on my head. Care to do anything about this?”

I’m loving this new found friendship between them, but it makes me wonder if Harry “knows.” I do think animals can sense things we can’t so perhaps Harry feels that Ruby is sick and wants to show her extra kindness. Although, I’m not sure where the above picture falls on the “kindness scale.”

Ruby got some extra human lovin’ this weekend, too.  We went over to my parents’ house on Saturday and Sunday. That’s her happy place. Ruby doesn’t much care for most people. Men especially frighten her, but she *loves* my mom, dad, nephews and niece, and tolerates my brother. When we’re getting ready to go over there I ask “Do you want to go see your people?” She always responds with lots of wiggles, because they are.  I’m her “person,” but they’re her “people.”

Lots of extra scritches from Grammy!

Lots of extra scritches from Grammy!

She got lots of lovin’ from everyone. Dinner Sunday may or may not have been steak (talk about spoiled!)

I have to say my favorite part of the long weekend was little Milo.  He’s the youngest son of my brother’s girlfriend. He’d never seen a tripawd before, so of course the first thing out of his mouth was “Will it grow back?”  Followed quickly by, “will you get her a robot leg?”

Later, he suggested the vet should have moved her remaining back leg to the middle to make it easier for her to get around.  I told him I’d mention it when we go back.

I’ve been having a hard time since the surgery. Not sure if I did right by Ruby, but being able to joke about her missing leg with a 7-year-old really helped.

Ruby’s still sleeping a lot, and I’m hoping it’s just her recovery from surgery and nothing more sinister. Either way, I’m working on a bucket list of experiences for her (and me) to accomplish before it’s time to say goodbye. Since Ruby doesn’t care much for the company of other dogs, most of the items will be treats and trips to see her people.

I did see a post on here where someone made muffins for doggy friends and I’m going to steal that idea. There are a lot of dogs in the neighborhood, and while Ruby doesn’t much care for other dogs, I think it would be a nice random act of kindness to leave some treats for the neighbor doggies in her name, whether Ruby is a fan of them or not. So, I’ve got to first track down that recipe, then get baking! I think I’ll try to deliver them next Ruby Tuesday.


  1. otisandtess

    You did the right thing – as her recovery continues, she will probably amaze you. And, yep, every day can be all about Roxy day. I don’t know about muffins, but my dogs are fans of Roxy’s peanut butter apple dog cake. You can find it if you search the site. And yes, Harry knows. Animals are amazingly intuitive. And how loving of him to want to comfort Ruby!

  2. benny55

    I didn’t get a chance to reply to the “Counting experiences”, however, I did read it and I LOVE the idea of counting experiences, counting the gifts of every moment! Lovely concept!

    And ues, second auessing yourself during recover is totally NORMAL!! Getti g to this point in recovery is exhausting, emotionally and physically. You are stressed beyond words and your nerves are shot….for nkw!!

    Ruby’s sparkle will start to come back slowly, but surely!! It took me three weeks before I coukd say I did this FOR my beloved Happy Hannah and not TO her! What I thought at first was a horrible decision, turned out to be the best decision ever!!

    Savor every moment. Do not let any worries interfere with your time together! Ruby sure is isn’t! 🙂

    And yes, Harry is sensing Ruby has a boo boo and he’ s being “gentle”. We see it here a lot where the rest of the pack just wants to be near the “patient” during recovery. It’s actually very sweet. Now whether it lasts or not is another thing! 🙂

    I love the idea of leaving treats for the neighborhood dogs. Very sweet. I knkw the muffin recipe you are referencing…just can’t remember the blog it was on! I’ll see if I can find it.

    And heah, what this journey does is keeping us focused on making every day…in your case…RUBY DAY!! All the dogs knlw is they’re getting more spoiling than they ever imagined possible! And they love it!!

    And it still ’tis but a scratch! 🙂

    Lots of love!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    PS….Love the Milo interaction! So cute!! And I LOVE the delightful pictures of Miss Ruby! She is pure sweetness!

  3. midnighter94

    Ha! I love Harry sitting on Ruby’s head! And I really, really love Milo’s questions/suggestion! Kids are so great with stuff like this. They take it all in stride. Ruby looks like she’s basking in all of the extra attention.

    Grain-free peanut butter apple muffins:
    pre-heat oven to 350. grease 1 ramekin (small casserole dish) or muffin tin (makes 3 large muffins).
    1/2 apple, diced
    3 TBS peanut butter
    1 egg
    1/2 tsp baking powder
    mix well. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Let cool. May frost with peanut butter.

  4. hester

    Oh, sweet Harry loving on his Ruby! And nothing says love like sitting on your head, because, cat!

    It is still early in Ruby’s recovery. I am sending lots of healing and love her way and hoping you feel like you start to see her perk up a bit more in the coming days.

    Lisa and Pofi

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